Pseudo-Terrorist Gangs
gangs are formed from commando/scout units to act the part of real terrorist
groups in operational areas to attain these objectives:

To locate the terrorist group in a particular area, by pretending to be
part of its force.
To obtain
information from the terrorist group on how it operates in command and political
To find out how it enters or is formed inside the country.
To locate the terrorist group to destroy its force.
To locate the terrorist group, and if it is of a large size, to call in a
strike by the larger commando unit.
gangs are the most dangerous and unrewarding jobs in the new type of guerrilla warfare during
the last thirty years. The trooper involved must be
better than
the regular NATO soldier, the paratrooper, the commando, or the elite special
unit soldier.
man should not be all of these, but a small part of each. He should be able to
operate completely by himself. Many elite forces speak of operating in this
manner, but in reality they depend on some contact, resupply, or fall-back area.
In pseudo-terrorist gangs, there is none.
trooper must be solely responsible for himself and his pseudo-terrorist gang. He
must become that terrorist group.
pseudo-terrorist (PT) gang members must be masters of surprise tactics.
PT gang must conform to nothing in the mission except the objective.
PT gang must press the terrorist group until there is no avenue of retreat
except into the PT hide.
PT gang must operate without the support of any regular army unit. It must
realize this.
PT gang must kill or be killed.
PT gang must dodge, counterstrike, and pressure increasingly.
PT gang must always move toward the terrorists’ main command structure.
PT gang must always strain the terrorist group it is dealing with to the
breaking point of point-to-point contact, in most cases fifteen feet or less.
PT gang must be superior at the point of contact even at the risk of danger of
encirclement by other terrorist groups.
PT gang must always move as though it has nothing to lose, or the terrorist
group will see that it is guarded and reluctant in its operations.
The PT gang must always have
maximum irregularity to throw the terrorist group off
its belief that the PT gang is false. Yet the gang must be articulate in its
ambushes of terrorists.
The pseudo-terrorist gang
trooper must possess these qualities:
A fertile imagination in schemes, ruses, counter-ruses, plots, and
A shrewd intelligence, to orchestrate every incident to his gang’s
benefit. (Demonstrate loyalty to fellow troopers.)
A steady confidence, unmoved by anxiety, and a continuous sense of humor.
An apt memory to remember all the customs, cut-signs, and tricks that the
terrorists use to detect him.
An alert, sturdy, and tireless constitution, to endure all physical
obstacles as part of a job without a light at the end.
A rapid and accurate glance, which grasps immediately the defects and
advantages, obstacles and risks presented by terrain, objective, or surprise
contact with terrorists.
No sentiments regarding the political situation at any time.
An unquestionable ability to lie, even in the face of death, to protect
the gang.
The ability to act the part of the savage to the extreme, but not to let
the circumstances turn him from decency.
Lacking such aptitudes,
success in this profession is impossible. It is useless for anyone to rely on
some other talent such as prior regular army experience, police or security
work, or elite unit service, or to flatter himself that, by taking pains or good
fortune, he may expect to win the confidence of the turned terrorists in his
gang. Reason and the facts deny such a presumption without fail.
The trooper cannot rely on previous military experience
because the deeper the discipline, the lower the efficiency and average
performance. The pseudo-terrorist must be a savage. He must make do with less
food, and exercise greater economy of thought and action. He must not let heat
or cold or any ailment affect him. The terrorist group will see that. What the
pseudo-terrorist wants is to lower himself into the terrorist’s bowels and
become the terrorist’s worst fear: a man more savage and ruthless than
This information was obtained from the book: AFRICAN MERC COMBAT MANUAL. By
Chris Pessarra. Printed
1986, Paladin Press.